Blog writing for beginners

Blog writing for beginners

Having a blog for your business is a great way of connecting with your customers as well as attracting new ones.

Letting your customers, present and future, see your experience and knowledge of your business is a fantastic way of proving to them you are an expert in your field and getting them to put their trust in you and your business. But how do you write engaging blogs that convert readers into buyers?



  1. Do your research.  

Every blog you write should be as factually accurate as you can possibly make it. Giving out the wrong advice can put off your customers and they will doubt your business. This is true for both the large and small details, for example if you mistakenly claim Mount Snowdon is in England (it’s in Wales) you give the impression of either lacking attention of detail or being amateurish.

Top Tip: Spend time to research your facts and figures.


  1.    Plan your blog.  

Once you’ve completed your research you should know exactly what you’re going to be writing about. Now you need to come up with a logical order. Its always a good idea to start with an introduction which tells your readers what the blog is about. Afterwards comes the main body, I recommend you avoid writing large paragraphs and instead opt for short paragraphs. Lists or bullet points are popular are they are easier to read than large blocks of text.

Top Tip: You should also end with a brief conclusion which sums up everything you’ve said.


  1. Get the visuals.  

The beauty of a blog is that you can include lots of full-colour images. Take advantage of that and be sure to include photographs in your blog. These images should be relevant, well composed and well lit. You can even include videos to demonstrate points or techniques.  Top tip: If you are not a particularly good photographer, you can use stock images (just be sure you’re using copyright free images).


  1. Review.

Now you’ve written your blog and got the visuals to match its time to review your work. Go through your blog at least twice to look for any grammatical errors or incorrect information. If possible, get someone else to read it, they might notice something you missed.

Top tip: Try changing the font before you review, this can help stop your from automatically glancing over mistakes. You can also try reading the blog backwards, this is extra helpful for spotting spelling mistakes.


Ultimately, getting better at writing blogs is down to practice. The steps above are a good place to start learning the technical side but the creative side of writing must be down to you. Reading widely is a great way of exposing yourself to new styles and techniques but your blogs must have your voice attached to them in order to make them ring true and display the values you and your business hold.


This is a guest blog post written by Hollie Parkin who is a creative writer and loves this type of work. She has supported Busy Lives! and been a great asset to myself, as I lean more towards tasks that are mathematically bias.

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