Why you should review your website design and content

Many business owners believe once they have had their website built, they no longer need to do anything to it. However, this is completely wrong! Building your website is just the start of your website journey, your website should be reviewed and updated regularly.

Why should you regularly review your website?

There are many benefits to regularly reviewing your website and making updates where appropriate, including:

  • It enables you to find and correct any errors you may have previously missed. For example, links you have previously used may now be broken, or you could have overlooked incorrect spellings when originally building your website.
  • Helps you meet changing audience needs, as your business grows your audience and reach are likely to as well. The website you initially built may no longer be fit to meet the demands of your new larger audience. For example, your newer audience may respond better to video content or are likely to access your website on their phone as opposed to a laptop, reviewing your existing website data will provide you with the insights to make these improvements.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating your website is crucial for building and improving your SEO. Google’s algorithm is constantly being updated, you should take actions when reviewing your website to follow the newer updates and improve your search engine ranking. For example when you review your website your page load speed may be worse than you anticipated, this could hinder your SEO.
  • It allows you to measure your website against your competitors websites, without knowing how your website ranks against your competitors’ you’ll be unaware of what you are doing well or opportunities of where you can make improvements to ensure you are keeping up with others in your industry. For example, one of your competitors may have an excellent FAQ section of their website that you may want to take inspiration form.

Top tips for reviewing your website:

  • Ensure your pages have appropriate clear call to actions
  • Use PageSpeed Insights to test how your website loads on different devices
  • Make sure your contact details are correct and easy to find for your website visitors
  • Test links to guarantee they are right and still work

Over the last few years when online visibility has been of great importance, I have helped several business owners review their websites; helping them to identify potential threats or opportunities. Providing them with an unbiased view of how their website is performing in comparison to their competitors.

I understand reviewing your website seems like a mundane and lengthy task, but this is where you may benefit from working with Busy Lives! I can provide you with a comprehensive website audit from an outside perspective, meaning you have more time to focus on the tasks you enjoy.

Do you need help reviewing your website? Perhaps you could benefit from an outside pair of eyes? Call Busy Lives! 07565 722 031. Alternatively, you can drop me a message on LinkedIn / Messenger on Facebook or email: karen@busylivesnottingham.co.uk to discuss your requirements!

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